Exploring Theosophy
The Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy
David Pratt’s Homepage
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What is theosophy?
Theosophical quotations
Studies in theosophy
Theosophical history
Occult fiction
Society & spirituality
Death & rebirth
Earth mysteries & the paranormal
Ancient civilizations
Life science & cognitive science
Health & medicine
Climate & energy
Astronomy & cosmology
General science & philosophy
Economics & geopolitics
Latest articles
What is theosophy?
H.P. Blavatsky and theosophy: ‘there is no religion higher than truth’
Key concepts of theosophy
The nature of reality
Theosophical quotations
Theosophy and the Theosophical Society
Studying theosophy
The spiritual path
(Mar 2023)
The mahatmas
Masters and chelas
(Jul 2021)
Sevenfold constitution of nature and man
Our after-death journey
Health and disease
(Jun 2021)
Cyclic evolution
Hierarchies: worlds visible and invisible
Physical vs. occult science
Spirit and matter
Life on other worlds
God and religion
Studies in theosophy
(Jun 2023)
Rounds and manvantaras: an outline
(Jul 2023)
Root-race chronology
Geochronology: theosophy and science
(Apr 2019)
Geological timescale
Secret cycles
(Oct 2023)
Evolution in the fourth round
Origin of mind
Inner and outer rounds
(Oct 2021)
The saptarishi calendar
(Jun 2022)
Reflections on karma
(Jan 2022)
Astral bodies
(Feb 2017)
The monad: one and many
Shishtas: seeds of life
The twelve sacred planets
Mars: our sleeping neighbour
The mahatmas on spirit, matter, God
The theosophical ether
Astronomical puzzles
(Feb 2024)
Poleshifts: theosophy and science contrasted
(Jan 2024)
Theosophy and the seven continents
Theosophy and shifting continents
Theosophy and the hollow earth
(Mar 2016)
Tibetan diagram of the hollow earth?
(Apr 2016)
Earth’s meteoric veil
(Sep 2021)
Theosophy and magnetism
The Book of Dzyan
Ozone, influenza and the causes of disease
(Aug 2024)
Theosophical history
The theosophical mahatmas: a critique of Paul Johnson’s new myth
(Jun 2023)
Damodar K. Mavalankar – theosophical pioneer
Laura Holloway, theosophy and the mahatmas
(Jan 2014)
The Count of Saint-Germain
T. Subba Row (1856-1890)
Occult Fiction
Warrior of the Soul
Society & spirituality
Covid-19: freedom, fear and mass delusion
(Sep 2021)
Sex and sexuality
(Jan 2019)
2012 and the Mayan calendar: facts and fantasies
Fate or free will?
Changing the world
Yoga and enlightenment
The spiritual path
The path
Death & rebirth
Life beyond death: evidence for survival
(Sep 2020)
Where reincarnation and biology intersect
Heaven and hell
Reincarnation and population growth
Our after-death journey
Religious lies and gnostic wisdom
Secret wisdom
The origins of Christianity
Who was the real Jesus?
God and religion
Earth mysteries & the paranormal
Psi wars
(Jun 2017)
UFOs: the psychic dimension
Life beyond death: evidence for survival
Psychic powers
Fate or free will?
Crop circles and their message
Vampires and the living dead
Visitors from the twilight zone
The ghost of Troutbeck
Ancient civilizations
Mysteries of the Great Pyramid
(Nov 2023)
Lost civilizations of the Andes
(Nov 2020)
India and the cradle of civilization
(Jan 2015)
The ancient Americas: migrations, contacts, and Atlantis
(Oct 2020)
Easter Island: land of mystery
(Nov 2020)
Life science
& cognitive science
Mass psychosis and the power of thought
(Aug 2022)
(Jun 2022)
Evolution and design
(Jan 2019)
Sex and sexuality
(Jan 2019)
Human origins: the ape-ancestry myth
(Sep 2014)
The biology of belief
Genetic engineering: dream or nightmare?
The rhythms of life
John Eccles on mind and brain
Rupert Sheldrake: a theosophical appraisal
The great dinosaur extinction controversy
Theosophy and the systems view of life
Cyclic evolution
Health & medicine
HIV=AIDS=Death: a killer myth
(Nov 2024)
Reclaiming our health: germ theory exposed
(Aug 2024)
Mass psychosis and the power of thought
(Aug 2024)
Covid-19: freedom, fear and mass delusion
(Aug 2024)
Vaccination and homeopathy
(Aug 2024)
Ozone, influenza and the causes of disease
(Aug 2024)
Mind, health and healing
(Jan 2018)
Electromagnetism, subtle energies and health
(Oct 2017)
Disease, vaccines and the forgotten history
(Oct 2016)
Modern medicine – people versus profits
(Dec 2015)
Fear of the invisible: an investigation of viruses and vaccines, HIV and AIDS
Malignant medical myths
Health and disease: theosophical quotations
(Jun 2021)
The biology of belief
Climate & energy
The energy future and climate change
(Mar 2025)
Climate models and climate catastrophe: a reality check
(Oct 2019)
Climategate and the corruption of climate science
Climate change controversies
The global warming scare
The age of earth
(Dec 2024)
Poleshifts: theosophy and science contrasted
(Jan 2024)
Sunken continents versus continental drift
Mysteries of the inner earth
(Apr 2016)
Palaeomagnetism, plate motion and polar wander
Sunken continents versus plate tectonics
Plate tectonics: a paradigm under threat
Problems with plate tectonics
Plate tectonics subducted
Astronomy & cosmology
Trends in cosmology: beyond the big bang
Life on Mars: from microbes to monuments
Mars: our sleeping neighbour
Black holes, redshifts, and bad science
Black holes: fact or fiction?
Big bang, black holes, and common sense
Exploding the big bang
Life on other worlds
General science & philosophy
Space, time and relativity
(Nov 2020)
Gravity and antigravity
(Oct 2019)
The farce of modern physics
(Feb 2016)
Worlds within worlds
(Jun 2022)
Consciousness, causality, and quantum physics
Patterns in nature
Re-examination of experimental evidence for a nonzero aether drift
(Sep 2021)
Aetherometry and gravity: an introduction
The nature of reality
J.P. Vigier and the causal interpretation of quantum physics
David Bohm and the implicate order
The infinite divisibility of matter
Consciousness and modern science
The monistic idealism of A. Goswami: a theosophical appraisal
Beyond materialism
Economics & geopolitics
The decline of the West and the rise of a multipolar world
(Jan 2025)
Human society and economic development: a historical overview
(Nov 2024)
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